19 august 2011

George Enescu

Astazi se implinesc 130 de ani de la nasterea lui George Enescu. Majoritatea il cunosc dupa cele doua rapsodii, mai ales prima. Lucrari de tinerete, foarte bine scrise, simpatice foc, dar nu transcendentale.
Adevaratul Enescu e inovator pana la limita suportabilitatii. Transcende orice stil si limbaj. Modifica timpul si iese din masurabil.
A scris muzica spectrala inainte de orice definitie a acesteia. A scris eteorofnic MULT inainte ca Boulez sa-si fi asumat, complet fraudulos, reinventarea acestei sintaxe muzicale.

Today we celebrate 130 years from George Enescu's birth. He is well known for his 2 Romanian Rapsodies, composed when he was very young. These are really cute works, extremely well written, but not transcendental ones.
The real George Enescu inovates beyond all bearing. He rises above any style and musical language. He totally modifies time perception and the feelings in his works cannot be measured.
George Enescu wrote spectral music long before the term was even released (carillons nocturnes for piano). He wrote heterophonic music long before Pierre Boulez unfairly claimed the re-invetion of this musical syntax.
My favourite works (in this period of my life) are:

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