5 martie 2014

Verses versus lyrics

Nu intotdeauna versurile pot fi puse grozav pe muzica.
Compozitorii si-au corectat mereu libretistii, unele lied-uri sublime nu-s scrise pe cele mai grozave poeme. Muzica absoarbe si transcende de cele mai multe ori vorba, mai ales in muzica clasica.

In muzica pop, sau usoara, sau cum vrem s-o numim, uneori versurile sunt un pretext pentru ritm, alteori, in celebrele chansons, melodia doar le serveste din umbra, fiind mai simpla pentru a le putea intelege mai bine (cum ar fi Jaques Brel, Edith Piaf)
In orice caz, cele mai adanci si interesante cuvinte se lasa greu transpuse in sunet.
Si uneori inspira, si iese ceva frumos de tot.
Cel mai bine cred ca face Leonard Cohen. Scrie un poem superb,  A thousand kisses deep.

 You came to me this morning and you handled me like meat. You'd have to be a man to know how good that feels, how sweet. My mirrored twin, my next of kin, I'd know you in my sleep and who but you would take me in,
A thousand kisses deep.

I loved you when you opened like a lily to the heat, you see I'm just another snowman standing in the rain and sleet, who loved you with his frozen love, his second hand physique, with all he is, and all he was,
A thousand kisses deep.

I know you had to lie to me, I know you had to cheat, to pose all hot and high behind the veils of shear deceit, our perfect porn aristocrat so elegant and cheap, I'm old but I'm still into that,
A thousand kisses deep.

I'm good at love, I'm good at hate, it's in between I freeze. Been working out, but it's too late, it's been to late for years. But you look good, you really do, they love you on the street. If I could move I'd kneel for you,
A thousand kisses deep.

The autumn moved across your skin, got something in my eye, a light that doesn't need to live, and doesn't need to die. A riddle in the book of love, obscure and obsolete, until witnessed there in time and blood,
A thousand kisses deep.

And I'm still working with the wine, still dancing cheek to cheek, the band is playing Auld Lang Syne, but the heart will not retreat. I ran with Diz and I sang with Ray, I never had their sweep, but once or twice they let me play
A thousand kisses deep.

I loved you when you opened like a lily to the heat, you see I'm just another snowman standing in the rain and sleet, who loved you with his frozen love, his second hand physique, with all he is, and all he was,
A thousand kisses deep.

But you don't need to hear me now, and every word I speak, it counts against me anyhow,
A thousand kisses deep. 

Dar cand sa auzim cantecul, iata ce-a ramas:

Cohen se indragosteste de poemul lui Lorca si vrea sa-l cante.
 Dar greu sa canti asa ceva:

Little Viennese Waltz

In Vienna there are ten little girls,
a shoulder for death to cry on,
and a forest of dried pigeons.
There is a fragment of tomorrow
in the museum of winter frost.
There is a thousand-windowed dance hall.

Ay, ay, ay, ay!
Take this close-mouthed waltz.

Little waltz, little waltz, little waltz,
of itself of death, and of brandy
that dips its tail in the sea.

I love you, I love you, I love you,
with the armchair and the book of death,
down the melancholy hallway,
in the iris's darkened garret,

Ay, ay, ay, ay!
Take this broken-waisted waltz.

In Vienna there are four mirrors
in which your mouth and the ehcoes play.
There is a death for piano
that paints little boys blue.
There are beggars on the roof.
There are fresh garlands of tears.

Ay, ay, ay, ay!
Take this waltz that dies in my arms.

Because I love you, I love you, my love,
in the attic where the children play,
dreaming ancient lights of Hungary
through the noise, the balmy afternoon,
seeing sheep and irises of snow
through the dark silence of your forehead

Ay, ay, ay, ay!
Take this " I will always love you" waltz

In Vienna I will dance with you
in a costume with
a river's head.
See how the hyacinths line my banks!
I will leave my mouth between your legs,
my soul in a photographs and lilies,
and in the dark wake of your footsteps,
my love, my love, I will have to leave
violin and grave, the waltzing ribbons

 L-a modificat, si a iesit  asta, mai dulceag, mai de dame, dar emotionant daca ploua afara si iei des avionu spre Viena. Cu toate astea, Cohen place pentru ca are curajul simplitatii si are permanent legaturi stranse cu poezia adevarata, chiar daca in cantec trebuie s-o mai reteze ca sa ii iasa la socoteala.
Si melodiile lui sunt cam ca la chansons, nu prea complicate, nu prea complexe, caci altfel ar pierde starea imediata pe care vrea s-o induca.
In orice caz, Chapeau pentru ce sta in spatele lor.

cam atat am avut de zis :)

7 comentarii:

  1. Lorca si Cohen, ce poveste. o poveste atat de poveste ca pe fiica lui Cohen o cheama Lorca :)

    1. cum ar zice S „de-ai nostri” :) Numai ca lui nu-i place Cohen, prea dulceag.

  2. Cred ca, dincolo de linia melodica si de versuri, aranjamentul muzical are o importanta covarsitoare cand e vorba de muzica "usoara". Iar in materie de aranjament muzical, eu dau nota maxima lui Benjamin Biolay pe care l-am cunoscut prin 2009 cu "La superbe" si care m-a sedus iremediabil.


    Benjamin Biolay nu e o mare voce : dar aranjamentul muzical + versurile + felul de a le pune impreuna fac din el un artist, dupa parerea mea.

    Iar cand compune pentru alti artisti, iese asa ceva :


    Parerea ta ma intereseaza, Sabina :-)

    1. Ups, am uitat ce era mai important : ca Biolay a fost comparat de specialisti cu marele Alain Bashung...


      (imi cer scuze ca vin doar cu artisti francezi, dar pe ei ii stiu, cu ei dansez :-) )

    2. ascult mai incolo si-ti zic, merci frumos!
