In January 2015, I've received the most beautiful and scariest of the messages: would you like to give a TEDx talk? It's for young people and the main theme is „Challenging Excellence in Youth”
I have accepted and, finally, it was one of the biggest challenges of my own life. To give this speech, I've been through all the stages of composing a music and performing it in the same time. Because everything we do is creation and we should fight to live our lives at the highest temperature possible: with passion and commitment.
So this is me talking about it at the first edition of TEDx Cambridge School of Bucharest. It has been an honor!
Felicitari, Sabina, ai compus un discurs cu elocinta tulburatoare a unui logician :)! Te imbratisez cu drag si dor!
RăspundețiȘtergeremiss you! trebuie sa ne revedem curand, dupa acest 1 mai ploios :)